Types of Surgery Performed by an ENT Doctor

17 September 2014
 Categories: , Blog

When you have medical issues with your eyes, your nose and your throat, you are typically referred to an otolaryngologist, also known as an ear/nose/throat (ENT) doctor. These health care specialists are focused on maladies to the head area, and are trained to perform surgeries for a number of different ailments. If you are in the care of an ENT doctor, here are the most common types of surgeries they can perform. Read More 

Signs Your Parent’s Dentures Need an Adjustment

3 July 2014
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Has your ageing parent stopped wearing their dentures because they no longer fit comfortably? If so, you may think they are imagining things because, after all, they fit properly when they first got them, right? Many seniors and their adult children do not realise that everyone's mouth shrinks over time. This is a normal part of the ageing process, so it's not unusual for your parent to notice their dentures fit differently than they did at first. Read More